Set in the midst of nature where the fresh breeze of the ocean in front meets the herbal scent of the trees and bushes around, La Pernela Resort offers you a laid-back, serene stay in our contemporary-styled, ten-room boutique hotel with a feel of your own private summerhouse that , greets you “Home sweet home! “

Since our honesty is as important as our hospitality, we’d like to inform our guests that our place is a beloved home to a number of well-behaved, clean and friendly canine pets who provide warmth, company and good-night sleep to us and our guests. If at times, they might be too frisky, they have always their own dog run to play. But the bottomline is, we prefer that our future guests have the choice to decide right at the start if they want to be welcomed by them too or not. So see you in our midst hopefully.